Did you know that February is Black history month? If you are teaching French to your child and are looking for books that feature black main characters, here are some great options to consider. Since most of these French kids’ books are aimed at children aged five and above, I decided to do some further research to find a book that would be suitable for my two-year-old daughter.
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I was so glad to stumble upon the French translation of Hair Love, Nos Boucles Au Naturel, by Matthew A Cherry.
Nos Boucles Au Naturel

The original version of this book, Hair Love, is based on an animated short film that features a dark-skinned, curly-haired girl named Zuri and her father.
While her mother is away, he has to make sure that her hair is styled perfectly for a special occasion.
This touching film and book, are a testament to the dedication and love of a father for his child, as well as an ode to curly hair.
Hair vocabulary in French
There are many positive adjectives in this French kids’ book that you will love introducing and practicing with your child, words that inspire confidence and pride. There are, of course, lots of hair-related vocabulary in French.
Here are a few of our favourites:
Proud – fier (masculine), fière (feminine)
Magnificent – magnifique
Beautiful – joli (masculine), jolie (feminine)
Original – original (masculine), originale (feminine)
Elegant – élégant (masculine), élégante (feminine)
Radiant – rayonnant (masculine), rayonnante (masculine)
Hair – cheveux
Beaded braids – tresses nouées de perles
Two puffs – deux pompoms
Long hair – cheveux longs
Short hair – cheveux courts
Hairstyle – coiffure
Comb – peigne
To comb – peigner
To separate – séparer
To oil – huiler
To twist – torsader
Braided updo – chignons tréssés
Hair Love, the short film
I couldn’t find the French version of the short film, Hair Love, but it’s a great video to watch with your child.
What French kids’ books are you reading for Black History Month? Share your faves in the comments section below.