Fall - L'automne Learning French through song and music

Fall, autumn: French poems for kids – Poèmes d’automne

french poems for kids

Since the weather’s been quite rainy and windy these past few weeks, we’ve been spending a lot of time reading French children’s books about the fall season. In addition to books, poems are a great tool to teach children French. Here are three simple French poems for kids that children can appreciate.

Related: French children’s books: What we’re reading this fall

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Petite feuille (anonymous)

Petite feuille is a short and sweet French poem for kids about the beautiful colours of leaves in the fall: green, yellow, and orange. You can easily add movement to this poem as you playfully act how the leaves move, fly, and sleep.

Petite feuille verte bouge dans l’arbre,
Petite feuille jaune vole dans l’air,
Petite feuille orange dort dans l’herbe,
Chut ! Voici l’automne.
Small green leaf moves in the tree,
Little yellow leaf flies in the air,
Little orange leaf sleeps in the grass,
Hush! Here’s fall.

Related: Learn colours in French: matching activity for kids

Les saisons by Anne-Marie Chapouton

This poem by Anne-Marie Chapouton is excellent for children learning French because it matches colours to fall-themed vocabulary.

Rouge, les feuilles de l’érable.
Orange les champignons des bois.
Jaune le soleil qui se voile.
Marron, comme le tronc.
Belles sont les couleurs de l’automne !
Red, the leaves of the maple tree.
Orange, forest mushrooms.
Yellow, the sun which is veiled.
Brown, like the trunk.
Beautiful are the colors of autumn!

Related: French fall book for kids: Touche à tout : L’automne

Quand l’automne en saison revient by Samivel

Samivel’s Quand l’automne en saison revient contains autumn vocabulary for kids, such as forest, acorn, moss, mushroom, and more. Like with Petite feuille, you can have fun getting creative in how you and your family act the poem out.

Quand automne en saison revient,
La forêt met sa robe rousse
Et les glands tombent sur la mousse
Où dansent en rond les lapins.

Les souris font de grands festins
Pendant que les champignons poussent.

Ah ! que la vie est douce, douce
Quand automne en saison revient.
When autumn in season returns,
The forest puts on its red dress
And the acorns fall on the moss
Where the rabbits dance in circles.

Mice have great feasts
While the mushrooms are growing.

Ah! how sweet life is sweet
When fall in season returns.

What are your favourite french poems for kids for the fall?

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