Each season is a wonderful topic exploration for our tout-petits. What a perfect time to introduce these short, lovely French spring poems to your kids.
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If you missed it, here are the links to autumn/fall and winter poems that you can also share with your little francophones.
Jonquille by Juliette Dumas Tilquin
If your child loves the sight of these bursts of yellow that herald the arrival of spring, they can appreciate the beauty of daffodils even more with this poem dedicated to these striking flowers.
Related: Names of flowers in French: vocabulary for preschoolers
Jaune en colonie, Offrande au printemps, N’hésite pas, toi Qui passes là, cueille Un bouquet d’or, car Il est ravissant L’éclat des corolles, La jupe en trompette Et le cœur au vent. | Yellow colony, Spring offering, Don’t hesitate, you Who passes by, pick A bouquet of gold, because It is lovely The brilliance of the corollas, The trumpet skirt And the heart in the wind. |
Une histoire à suivre by Claude Roy
This poem is great because it describes the contrast between winter and spring, looking at colour, season, temperature, and weather differences.
Après tout ce blanc vient le vert, Le printemps vient après l’hiver. Après le grand froid le soleil, Après la neige vient le nid, Après le noir vient le réveil, L’histoire n’est jamais finie. Après tout ce blanc vient le vert, Le printemps vient après l’hiver, Et après la pluie le beau temps. | After all that white comes green, Spring comes after winter. After the great cold the sun, After the snow comes the nest, After the dark comes the awakening, The story is never over. After all that white comes green, Spring comes after winter, And after the rain the good weather. |
Printemps by Anne-Marie Chapouton
Our French springs poems collection wouldn’t be complete without a poem by Anne-Marie Chapouton! What a fun poem to enact with a creative dance at home with facial expressions, hand gestures, and body movements.
Chante Printemps L’oiseau batifole L’herbe folle sourit La fleur endormie s’étire gaiement Chante Printemps | Sing Spring The frolicking bird The weed is smiling The sleeping flower stretches happily Sing Spring |
What are your favourite French spring poems?