Learning French through song and music Winter - L'hiver

French winter poems for kids – Poèmes d’hiver

french winter poems

Since many of you liked the fall poems for kids I posted a little while ago, I thought I’d share a few lovely French winter poems to enjoy with your children.

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Un poème pour l’hiver by Jacques Prévert

This mysterious poem about a snowman fleeing the cold contains simple vocabulary for little kids learning about winter.

Dans la nuit de l’hiver
Galope un grand homme blanc.
C’est un bonhomme de neige
Avec une pipe en bois,
Un grand bonhomme de neige
Poursuivi par le froid.
Il arrive au village.
Voyant de la lumière
Le voilà rassuré.
Dans une petite maison
Il entre sans frapper,
Et pour se réchauffer,
S’assoit sur le poêle rouge,
Et d’un coup disparaît
Ne laissant que sa pipe
Au milieu d’une flaque d’eau,
Ne laissant que sa pipe
Et puis son vieux chapeau.
In the winter night
A tall white man gallops.
It’s a snowman
With a wooden pipe,
A big snowman
Pursued by the cold.
He arrives at the village.
Seeing light
Here he is reassured.
In a little house
He enters without knocking,
And to warm up,
Sits on the red stove,
And suddenly disappears
Leaving only his pipe
In the middle of a puddle,
Leaving only his pipe
And then his old hat.

Visit FrenchToday to hear an audio recording of Un poème pour l’hiver by Jacques Prévert.

Related: French books for children: What we’re reading this winter

La neige by Pernette Chaponnière

A short and sweet French winter poem that is just perfect on a snowy day!

Regardez la neige qui danse
Derrière le carreau fermé.
Qui là-haut peut bien s’amuser
A déchirer le ciel immense
En petits morceaux de papier ?
Watch the snow dancing
Behind the closed window.
Who up there is having fun
Tearing up the immense sky
Into small pieces of paper?

L’hiver, la neige by Anne-Marie Chapouton

If you enjoyed Les saisons, here is another lovely poem by Anne-Marie Chapouton.

Les arbres
Du sucre
Sur le nez

La route
Le ciel

La neige
A tout changé.
On the nose

The road
The sky

The snow
Has changed everything.

Related: Winter in French – Voici l’hiver Scholastic book: vocabulary

Do your children like poetry? What are some of your favourite French winter poems?

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2 thoughts on “French winter poems for kids – Poèmes d’hiver
  1. These are so helpful. I teach in Waldorf Education and the children do a lot of singing and recitation in all language lessons. It’s great to have some poems and songs for younger children that create a vivid and compelling picture.

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