If your kids are anything like mine, they absolutely adore the playground. It’s like their own magical kingdom where they can run, jump, and play to their heart’s content. I love watching their faces light up with excitement as we discover new playgrounds in our neighborhood. As a mom who cherishes every opportunity to teach my kids new things, I’ve found that introducing them to French playground vocabulary from a young age is a fantastic way to combine fun and learning. So, join me on this adventure as we explore the enchanting world of French playground equipment!
How do you say playground in French?
In French, playground is une aire de jeux or un terrain de jeu. Click on the audio links for the pronunciation of each word.
Four popular playground equipment
Here are four popular playground equipment commonly found in most play areas that you can introduce to your kids in French.
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Swing – une balançoire
Ah, the joy of swinging back and forth! Kids simply adore the swings, and it’s a delight to see their faces light up with each push.
A baby swing is called une balançoire pour bébé in French.
Slide – un toboggan
From gentle slopes for the littlest ones to thrilling twists and turns for older kids, there’s a slide for every age group to enjoy. And my little adventurers can spend hours gleefully sliding down their slopes, giggling all the way.
Seesaw – une bascule
Seesaws bring smiles and laughter as kids go up and down, creating their own little rhythm. Mes petits trésors love the friendly competition of balancing on either end.
Spring rider – un jeu à ressort
When it comes to the spring riders, my youngest adores the adventure of climbing onto these on her own.
Verbs associated with French playground equipment
As your kids explore the different equipment, they can also discover a whole new set of verbs that bring their playtime to life.
To swing oneself – se balancer
To slide – glisser
To climb/get on – monter
To down/get off – descendre
To push – pousser
To wait for one’s turn – attendre son tour
To bounce – rebondir
To have fun – s’amuser
Related: Five ways for children to practice French daily