Are you looking for ways to teach your child emotions in French? Si tu as d’la joie au coeur is a modified version of the English song If you’re happy and you know it. Unlike the original song that focuses on one emotion (happiness), this version explores a myriad of emotions, including sadness and anger.
Whether your child is already familiar with If you’re happy and you know it or is hearing it for the first time, this tune is easy to learn and the accompanying facial expressions and movements are fun to mimic together.
Identifying and expressing emotions in French
The song can be a great tool to help kids identify their own emotions and express them to others around them. If they are in a bad mood, for example, they can take a deep breath.
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Si tu as d’la joie au coeur video
Si tu as d’la joie au coeur lyrics with English translation
Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, frappe des mains Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, frappe des mains Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, frappe des mains | If you have joy in your heart, clap your hands If you have joy in your heart, clap your hands If you have joy in your heart, and you want to be seen If you have joy in your heart, clap your hands |
Si t’es triste dans ton cœur, pleure un peu Si t’es triste dans ton cœur, pleure un peu Si t’es triste dans ton cœur, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si t’es triste dans ton cœur, pleure un peu | If you’re sad in your heart, cry a little If you’re sad in your heart, cry a little If you’re sad in your heart, and you want to be seen If you’re sad in your heart, cry a little |
Si tu es en colère, tape du pied Si tu es en colère, tape du pied Si tu es en colère, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si tu es en colère, tape du pied | If you’re angry, stomp your foot If you’re angry, stomp your foot If you’re angry, and you want us to see it If you’re angry, stomp your foot |
Si tu es fatigué, dors un peu Si tu es fatigué, dors un peu Si tu es fatigué, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si tu es fatigué, dors un peu | If you’re tired, get some sleep If you’re tired, get some sleep If you are tired and want to be seen If you’re tired, get some sleep |
Si tu es de mauvaise humeur, prends ton souffle Si tu es de mauvaise humeur, prends ton souffle Si t’es de mauvaise humeur, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si tu es de mauvaise humeur, prends ton souffle | If you’re in a bad mood, take your breath If you’re in a bad mood, take your breath If you’re in a bad mood, and you want us to see it If you’re in a bad mood, take your breath |
Si tu te sens heureux, crie « hourra ! » Si tu te sens heureux, crie « hourra ! » Si tu te sens heureux, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si tu te sens heureux, crie « hourra ! » | If you’re feeling happy, shout “hurray!” “ If you’re feeling happy, shout “hurray!” “ If you feel happy, and want to be seen If you’re feeling happy, shout “hurray!” “ |
Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, frappe des mains Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, frappe des mains Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, et que tu veux qu’on le voit Si tu as d’la joie au cœur, frappe des mains | If you have joy in your heart, clap your hands If you have joy in your heart, clap your hands If you have joy in your heart, and you want to be seen If you have joy in your heart, clap your hands |
How do you teach your tout petit about emotions in French? Share your strategies with us!