No matter the weather, our daughter is always up for outdoor adventures and discoveries. Even as the days get chillier and rainier, her enthusiasm for nature walks, and especially muddy puddles, only seems to increase. To practice talking about the weather in French, we include observing the weather in our morning routine and during our walks.
“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.”
― Alfred Wainwright, A Coast to Coast Walk
Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?
What is the weather like today?
Rather than ask Surya the question, we started by describing the weather in French. We focused on the things she could clearly notice and feel, such as the sun, rain, wind, snow, fog, and clouds and used a simple sentence structure:
Il y a…
This literally translates to “there is…”
When she was comfortable with the weather vocabulary and simple sentence structure, we added other ways of talking about the weather in French.

the sun – le soleil
It’s sunny. Il y a du soleil.
It’s nice out. Il fait beau.
It’s hot. Il fait chaud.

rain – la pluie
It’s raining. Il y a de la pluie.
It’s raining. Il pleut.

wind – le vent
It’s windy. Il y a du vent.
It’s cool. Il fait frais.

snow – la neige
It’s snowing. Il y a de la neige.
It’s snowing. Il neige.
It’s cold. Il fait froid.

mist, fog – la brume, le brouillard
It’s misty. Il y a de la brume.
It’s foggy. Il y a du brouillard.

clouds – des nuages
It’s cloudy. Il y a des nuages.
It’s cloudy. C’est nuageux.
Weather in French: Il Pleut, Il Mouille nursery rhyme with lyrics
Il pleut, il mouille C’est la fête à la grenouille Il pleut, il fait beau temps C’est la fête du serpent. Il pleut, il mouille C’est la fête à la grenouille Il pleut, il fait soleil c’est la fête à l’arc en ciel. Il pleut, il mouille C’est la fête à la grenouille La grenouille a fait son nid Dessous un grand parapluie. Il pleut, il mouille C’est la fête à la grenouille Il pleut, il fait beau temps C’est la fête au paysan. Il pleut, il mouille c’est la fête à la grenouille il mouille, il pleut c’est la fête au poisson bleu. | It’s raining, it’s wet It’s the frog party It’s raining, it’s nice out It’s the snake party. It’s raining, it’s wet It’s the frog party It’s raining, it’s sunny it’s the rainbow party. It’s raining, it’s wet It’s the frog party The frog has made its nest Underneath a large umbrella. It’s raining, it’s wet It’s the frog party It’s raining, it’s nice out It’s a peasant party. It’s raining, it’s wet it’s the frog party it’s wet, it’s raining it’s the blue fish party. |
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