How time flies! It’s hard to believe that my eldest is starting preschool this year. The start of school or back to school is a time when kids can feel many big emotions, ranging from excitement to apprehension. Whether you’re sending your child to a French-language school or whether you’re teaching them French at home, it’s an opportune time to introduce and practice school supplies in French.
What is back to school in French?
Back to school in French is la rentrée scholaire or it can be shortened to la rentrée.
To get out daughter Surya excited about going to preschool, we’ve been surprising her with the school supplies she will soon need such as her lunchbox, backpack, shoes, jacket, etc. We also visited her school and she got to see what her day would look like.
School – une école
School supplies in French
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Pencil – un crayon
Felt pen, marker – un feutre, un marqueur
Colouring crayons – des crayons de couleur
Pencil case – une trousse, un étui à crayons
Notebook – un cahier
Backpack, school bag – un sac à dos, un cartable
Un sac à dos and un cartable are both bags that you carry on your back using a strap on each shoulder. However, while un sac à dos is more versatile, un cartable is more specific for school, and it usually has a rectangular shape and is more structured.
Waterbottle – une gourde
Lunchbox – une boîte à lunch, une boîte à goûter
Will you be teaching your child the words for the common school supplies in French?