Many parents start introducing solids to their babies when they are around six months of age. Some prefer to start with cereal and purees while others opt for baby-led weaning (BLW), which is the process of introducing solids to babies in a way that they can feed themselves.
For more information about baby-led weaning, you can click here (external link).
Whether you’re on team puree or BLW, or a little bit of both, introducing new food options to your child is an excellent opportunity to teach French to babies and infants. Through food, they can discover not only new foods names, but also words to describe textures, colours, flavors, and smells. They can learn the French words for utensils and other feeding accessories they use at mealtimes.
What is baby-led weaning in French?
Baby-led weaning in French is la diversification alimentaire menée par l’enfant (DME), also known as l’alimentation autonome.
While babies are perfectly capable of eating with their fingers, there are also utensils that are perfect for little hands.
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Spoon – une cuillère
Fork – une fourchette
Plate – une assiette
bib – un bavoir
Baby first foods in French
Since it’s recommended that babies start getting iron from their diets when they are around six months, many parents like to feed their children iron-fortified cereals.
cereal – des céréales
Pureed fruits and vegetables are also popular first foods for kids.
Puree – une purée
Pieces of soft fruits or cooked vegetables served as finger foods are a fun way to enable kids to explore with all their senses.
Banana – une banane
Avocado – un avocat
Broccoli – un brocoli
Carrot – une carotte
Sweet potato – une patate douce
Eggs, fish, and meat cooked and offered as safe finger foods are also common.
Egg – un oeuf
Fish – un poisson (when offering fish to your child, you’d say du poisson)
Meat – une viande (when serving meat, you’d say de la viande)
For tips on how to teach babies French at mealtimes, check out the blog post below.