Teaching kids French is a lot of fun, especially when bubbles are involved. In addition to learning new French words and expressions, your child will have a wonderful time mixing, whisking, and blowing bubbles to create their masterpieces.
What do you need for bubble art painting?

Water | de l’eau |
A teapot* | une théière |
A bowl | un bol |
A whisk | un fouet |
A straw | une paille |
Dish soap | du liquide vaisselle |
Food colouring** | du colorant alimentaire |
A few sheets of paper | quelques feuilles de papier |
* Note that you can use a small pitcher for the water, but I wanted our daughter, Surya, to experience pouring with a small teapot. I also wanted her to practice using the word “théière“, so we went with a small teapot for this activity.
** You can also use water soluble paint, but I decided to stick to food colouring in case she accidentally swallowed the mixture.
French instructions for your child
Etape numéro 1:

First, pour the water from the teapot into the bowl.
Tout d’abord, verse l’eau de la théière dans le bol.
Etape numéro 2:

Now, pour the dish soap into the bowl.
Maintenant, verse le liquide vaisselle dans le bol.
Etape numéro 3:

Here’s your whisk. You can use it to whisk the dish soap and water.
Voici ton fouet. Tu peux l’utiliser pour fouetter le liquide vaisselle et l’eau.
Etape numéro 4:

Add a few drops of food colouring and whisk everything.
Ajoute quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire et fouette le tout.
Etape numéro 5:

Using your straw, blow into the bowl to create bubbles.
A l’aide de ta paille, souffle dans le bol pour créer des bulles.
As you can tell in the picture above, our bubbles were too transparent. There wasn’t enough colour to transfer to the sheets of paper. So, Surya decided to experiment by adding more colour to rectify the situation. She also decided to add more soap because… why not! You can hear her saying: “On a besoin d’encore un petit peu de savon.”
Once she blew bubbles again, she added even more colour on top of the bubbles.
Etape numéro 5:

Now, gently place this sheet of paper on top of the bubbles.
Maintenant, place doucement cette feuille de papier sur les bulles.
As the colourful bubbles pop, they will leave an imprint on the paper, like so.
Surya thoroughly enjoyed this activity. Although the end product didn’t interest her all that much, she had a great time manipulating the ingredients to create different results. Watch as she happily chatted about her experiment.
I hope you give this experiment a try, whether you’re interested in teaching French to kids or not!