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French nursery rhyme: Le papillon glouton

french nursery rhyme le papillon glouton

Learning new words is always more fun with a song. This French nursery rhyme about a voracious papillon (butterfly) is a great way for your child to practice the names of fruits in French.

Related: Kids’ song: La fourmi m’a piqué la main – insects in French

Fruits in French

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In addition to introducing the following four fruits musically, this French nursery rhyme is full of simple and common adjectives and verbs that your child can use daily.

Appleune pomme

Pearune poire

Apricotun abricot

Cherryune cerise

Related: Summer fruits in French – Fruits d’été

Adjectives to describe fruit in French

Beautiful – joli (masculine), jolie (feminine), beau (masculine), belle (feminine)

Big – gros (masculine), grosse (feminine)

Orange-coloured – orangé (masculine), orangée (feminine)

Sweet (taste) sucré (masculine), sucrée (feminine)

Verbs related to fruits in French

To eat” in French is manger.

To taste – déguster, goûter

To cut – découper

To bite something crunchy – croquer

To feast – se régaler (pronominal verb)

French nursery rhyme Le Papillon Glouton – video

Le Papillon Glouton lyrics and English translation

Le papillon glouton
Aime beaucoup les fruits
Le papillon glouton
En ferait des folies
The voracious butterfly
Likes fruit very much
The voracious butterfly
Would go crazy about it
Tiens voilà une jolie pomme
Mais sans être un petit homme
Pourra-t-il la manger ?
Il n’en est pas persuadé
Here is a beautiful apple
But without being a little man
Will he be able to eat it?
He is not convinced
Là il aimerait bien y croire
Car voici une très belle poire
Maintenant pour la déguster
Il faudrait la découper
Now he would like to believe it
Because here is a very beautiful pear
Now to taste it
It has to be cut
Le papillon glouton
Aime beaucoup les fruits
Le papillon glouton
En ferait des folies
The voracious butterfly
Likes fruit very much
The voracious butterfly
Would go crazy about it
Zut ! Ce petit abricot
Lui paraît aussi trop gros
Il voudrait pourtant goûter
Sa belle couleur orangée
Darn ! This little apricot
It also seems too big
Yet he would like to taste
Its beautiful orange color
En voilà une belle cerise
Juste par pure gourmandise
Il aimerait bien la croquer
Mais elle lui semble trop sucrée
Here is a beautiful cherry
Just out of sheer gluttony
He would like to bite it
But it seems too sweet to him
Le papillon glouton
Aime beaucoup les fruits
Le papillon glouton
En ferait des folies
The voracious butterfly
Likes fruit very much
The voracious butterfly
Would go crazy about it
Oh mais voici une fleur
Son nectar est un bonheur
Enfin il va se poser
Et surtout se régaler
Oh but here’s a flower
Its nectar is happiness
Finally it will land
And above all, will feast on it
Le papillon glouton
Aime beaucoup les fruits
Le papillon glouton
En ferait des folies
The voracious butterfly
Likes fruit very much
The voracious butterfly
Would go crazy about it

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