French vocabulary and expressions Learning French through song and music

French song for kids: cleanup time

french song for kids: La chanson du rangement

Most parents of infants and toddlers develop a useful superpower within the first few months or years of parenting: the ability to turn anything into a song! Whether it’s to change your baby’s diaper, get them dressed, or accompany bathtime, chances are, you have a melody to suit each occasion. If you’re teaching your child French, a fun French song for kids or chansonette can be incredibly helpful at cleanup time.

Related: Short French lullabies and nursery rhymes for bedtime

La chanson du rangement – LittleBabyBum!

Have you heard La chanson du rangement by LittleBabyBum? You may already be familiar with the English version of this cleanup song for kids.

Here are some of the words you will hear in the song. I haven’t included the audio files since you will hear them in the song below (YouTube link).

Tidy up – ranger

Toy – un jouet

Pick up – ramasser

Toy chest – un coffre (à jouets)

Shelf – une étagère

On the floor – par terre

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La chanson du rangement lyrics

Rangeons, rangeons, rangeons vite
Et plus vite encore
Rangeons, rangeons, rangeons vite
Plus rien par terre, range tes jouets
Tidy, tidy, tidy up quickly
And even quicker
Tidy, tidy, tidy up quickly
No more toys on the floor, put them away
Quand c’est le bazar
Fais vite et sans retard
Ramasse bien tous tes jouets
Et vite, range-les
When it’s a mess
Do it quickly and without delay
Pick up all your toys
And quickly, put them away
Rangeons, rangeons, rangeons vite
Et plus vite encore
Rangeons, rangeons, rangeons vite
Plus rien par terre, range tes jouets
Tidy, tidy, tidy up quickly
And even quicker
Tidy, tidy, tidy up quickly
No more toys on the floor, put them away
Quand c’est le bazar
Fais vite et sans retard
Ramasse bien tous tes jouets
Et vite, range les
When it’s a mess
Do it quickly and without delay
Pick up all your toys
And quickly, put them away
Ramasse tes jouets et mets les dans un coffre
ou sur une étagère
Range-les à leur place
Pick up your toys and put them in a toy box
or on a shelf
Put them in their place
Rangeons, rangeons, rangeons vite
Et plus vite encore
Rangeons, rangeons, rangeons vite
Plus rien par terre, range tes jouets
Tidy, tidy, tidy up quickly
And even quicker
Tidy, tidy, tidy up quickly
No more toys on the floor, put them away

What is your favourite French song for kids to inspire your little ones to tidy up?

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