Halloween is such a fun event for both kids and parents. When else do you get to dress your child up in an adorable costume and take them trick-or-treating? While Halloween lasts only the one night, the anticipation of this spooky holiday starts at the beginning of October or even earlier, depending on when you live. Since many of our neighbours have already started decorating for Halloween and the store shelves have all turned orange and black, we’ve also begun talking about Halloween (in French) at home.
We weren’t sure how to explain the concept of a holiday and its traditions to someone who’s yet to turn two, but it was surprisingly easy with the help of Peppa Pig and the book titled “La fête de l’Halloween“. Learning French Halloween vocabulary in context and the concept and discovering the essence of the holiday through one of her all-time favourite characters was just oodles of fun for our daughter.
Disclosure: I’ve included Amazon links in case you’d like to purchase the book for your little ones. Please note that if you click through and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no extra cost to you).

What is “Halloween in French”?
Halloween is “la fête de l’Halloween” and it can be shortened to “l’Halloween”. Make sure to listen to the audio clip below to get the proper pronunciation of the word; the “h” is silent.
Peppa Pig: La fête de l’Halloween vocabulary, with audio pronunciation
Lantern – une lanterne
Pumpkin – une citrouille
Costume – un costume, un déguisement
Witch – une sorcière
Magic wand – une baguette magique
Magic trick – un tour de magie
Werewolf – un loup-garou
Ghost – un fantôme
Pumpkin pie – une tarte à la citrouille
Decorations – des décorations (usually used in the plural form)
Bat – une chauve-souris
Cobweb – une toile d’araignée
Vampire – un vampire
The book doesn’t cover candy or trick-or-treating, unfortunately, but since we’re unsure what trick or treating is going to look like with COVID -19 this year, we thought Peppa Pig’s “La fête de l’Halloween” was a suitable introduction to Halloween!
Here are a couple of other fall-related blog posts that may interest you:
Have you introduced the concept of Halloween to your child yet? Share your tips in the comments section below!
Buy Peppa Pig: La fête de l’Halloween on Amazon
Disclosure: Please note that if you click through and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no extra cost to you).
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