Spring weather can vary extremely. Some days can be sunny and warm while others can be rainy and cool. Many places experience extreme variations in weather even during the same day; it’s not uncommon to see chillier rainy mornings and warmer sun-filled afternoons, which means that dressing your toddler up for the day will also vary a lot. We love to look outside each day and decide what the appropriate attire is for that day. It gives us a chance to practice French spring clothing vocabulary, in addition to French weather and seasons vocabulary.
Related: Talking about the weather in French
Les vêtements du printemps – spring clothing
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On rainy days, especially at the beginning of the season, the clothes and accessories kids need are quite similar to what they were already wearing in the cooler months.
Related: Clothing vocabulary in French: winter
Raincoat – imperméable (masculine)
Rainboots – bottes de pluie (feminine)
Umbrella – parapluie (masculine)
Sweater – pull (masculine)
Pants – pantalon (masculine)
Socks – chaussettes (feminine)
Shoes – chaussures (feminine)
Sunnier days will require a different set of children’s clothing and accessories that they will most likely continue to wear in the summer months too.
Hat – chapeau (masculine)
Baseball cap – casquette (feminine)
Sandals – sandales (feminine)
Shorts – short (masculine)
Note that shorts in French are “un short” (singular) or “une paire de shorts“.
Dress – robe (feminine)
Skirt – jupe (feminine)
T-shirt – tee-shirt (masculine)
Sunglasses – lunettes de soleil (feminine)
How do you practice French spring vocabulary with your children? Do you take them shopping for clothes for the new season or do you make sure to include new words and expressions in their day-to-day?
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